Best Baking Stones For Bread

There’s nothing better than some nice home cooked bread to make you feel nice and warm inside.

To make the best bread at home though, it can be very helpful to make sure that you have the right tools for the job! A baking stone can be very beneficial for helping you to make yummy bread every time.

best baking stones bread

Of course, there are a lot of great baking stones for bread on the market so it can sometimes be difficult to narrow down what will be the best option for you. Thankfully, we’re here to help.

Here are some of the best baking stones for bread on the market! We’ve also written a handy buyer’s guide to help you to narrow down your decision.

Top 5 Best Baking Stones For Bread


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If high quality baking stones are the name of the game for you, the Lirradight Pizza Stone, ceramic Pizza Grilling Stone/Baking Stone is certainly a great choice for you.

Designed to be used for a range of different baking activities, this versatile slab will serve you well with making some classic treats.

The stone is incredibly easy to use. Of course, being a literal slab you may wonder how any baking stones would be difficult to use, but the truth is that the Lirradight model is ‘not like the other’ stones.

The stone has curved edges which means that it’s a lot easier to carry and put it into place. This results in a much more enjoyable baking experience because it’s safer.

Heat distribution is no problem with this impressive baking stone. It comes with fantastic thermal shock resistance and is able to deal with temperatures reaching as much as 1450 degrees Fahrenheit. The stone is made out of high quality materials and absorbs moisture well, resulting in a nice crispy dough crust with whatever you’re making.

Are you ready for award winning bread?

We sure are! 


  • Easy to handle curved edges
  • Absorbs moisture well
  • Durable


  • It can take a while to heat up


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If you’re looking for a great baking stone for bread that will fit in the vast majority of standard ovens, then the Solido Rectangular 14 x 16 Baking stone may be a good choice for you. The stone is fairly thick and it does a great job of distributing heat.

The stone comes with a heat spiral in the bottom which is designed to help to evenly distribute heat and keep it in place. It’s perfect for making a wide range of different baked goods, from pizza, to bread to a whole bunch of other things. 

The stone is incredibly easy to clean, and all you need to do is scrape off any left over food on the stone and then scrub is with a damp cloth. The rectangular shape is perfect for baking all sorts of bread too, and it even comes with feet.

Of course, because the stone is a little bit big it can be a little more difficult to handle it. This means you will need to take extra special care when removing it from the oven.


  • Comes with feet
  • Simple to clean
  • Good heat distribution


  • The stone is quite heavy so it can be troublesome to try and handle it


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If high quality baking stones are the name of the game for you, the Lirradight Pizza Stone, ceramic Pizza Grilling Stone/Baking Stone is certainly a great choice for you.

Designed to be used for a range of different baking activities, this versatile slab will serve you well with making some classic treats.

The stone is incredibly easy to use. Of course, being a literal slab you may wonder how any baking stones would be difficult to use, but the truth is that the Lirradight model is ‘not like the other’ stones. The stone has curved edges which means that it’s a lot easier to carry and put it into place. This results in a much more enjoyable baking experience because it’s safer.

Heat distribution is no problem with this impressive baking stone. It comes with fantastic thermal shock resistance and is able to deal with temperatures reaching as much as 1450 degrees Fahrenheit.

The stone is made out of high quality materials and absorbs moisture well, resulting in a nice crispy dough crust with whatever you’re making. Are you ready for award winning bread? We sure are! 


  • Easy to handle curved edges
  • Absorbs moisture well
  • Durable


  • It can take a while to heat up


q? encoding=UTF8&ASIN=B01N3XHU0L&Format= SL250 &ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=yumandyummer 20&language=en USir?t=yumandyummer 20&language=en US&l=li3&o=1&a=B01N3XHU0L

Sometimes you just want to be able to cook a number of pizzas or loaves of bread at once. What are you supposed to do in this situation, without wasting copious amounts of time?

You need to get a larger baking stone! Enter the Multichef Bread & Pizza Stone. This is a pretty big bread stone that’s still immensely easy to carry. 

The manufacturer has truly prioritized portability here. You can use it to cook a lot of dough at once with its huge 14x15 inch design. This will save you a tremendous amount of time. The stone is able to deal with a lot of heat with minimal issues, up to 500 degrees Fahrenheit!

This is by no means as much heat as other baking stones, but it’s still pretty impressive and really, more than you’ll ever need.

The baking stone also features a pretty cool heating system. It features thermal stability, meaning that it can change from hot to cold without any risks of damaging the stone. This means that handling and storing it is so much easier than with other similar baking stones.


  • Thermal stability
  • Large size for more baking space
  • Great heating system


  • As it’s not as thick as other large baking stones, the heat capacity is significantly reduced


q? encoding=UTF8&ASIN=B076617VFY&Format= SL250 &ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=yumandyummer 20&language=en USir?t=yumandyummer 20&language=en US&l=li3&o=1&a=B076617VFY

For a perfect baking stone for bread, you really can’t go wrong with the hans Grill Pizza Stone Baking Stone. This high quality stone is ideal for bread and pizza and so much more!

They’re incredibly durable and the heat distribution is pretty impressive too. That, and many more great features to take advantage of…

The stone features a pizza peel if you are planning on making pizza. This is made out of all natural wood which means that you will get high quality peeling without needing to worry about it breaking. It smells fantastic too. This peeler along with the stone is great for cooking cookies and pizza and it doesn’t leave any residue. The stone itself also has non stick properties.

In addition to this, due to the way that the stone is constructed it is able to add a lot of great additional flavor into your dishes. They will be a lot more crunchy and taste better than with most baking stones.

The size is also pretty decent, with a 15 x 12 surface area that will allow you to bake a number of doughs at once. Of course, some people have said that they feel that the peel is a little bit small, but this may be a matter of opinion.


  • Doesn’t leave a lot of residue after you’ve used it
  • Comes with a high quality pizza peeler
  • Adds extra flavor to crusts


  • The peel is a little bit too small for some users

Best Baking Stones For Bread Buyer's Guide

Things to Consider

Buying a baking stone for bread is no easy feat when there are simply so many fantastic options out there. Thankfully, by understanding some of the key things you need to consider when buying a baking stone, you can make the best possible decision for you in no time.

Here are some of the main things that you need to think about when buying a baking stone for bread.

Types of Stone

You can find baking stones made out of all sorts of materials, from marble, to clay, to tile, and even to steel. What you get is largely going to depend on what exactly it is that you’re looking for.

Here are the different kinds of baking stones for bread that you can expect to find on the market.


Ceramic baking stones are a great choice because they are able to absorb moisture when you are baking and they will give the bread a nice, crispy crust. The only issue is that they can be quite fragile, so if you don’t handle them properly they can break.

These kinds of baking stones are usually pretty good as far as cost is concerned, and they won’t break the bank.


This kind of baking stone does cost a little bit more money but with that money you are paying for more durability. The material is able to deal with high temperatures to great effect.

You don’t need to worry about variable temperature changes causing the material to break, which can be a worry with ceramic baking stones.

Cast Iron

Cast iron baking stones don’t break easily. They also heat up very quickly and they aren’t as difficult to clean as the other options are.

They will also come with handles most of the time so they can be put into the oven and taken out of the oven with ease.


Steel is a fairly new kind of baking stone on the market. They don’t emit as much heat as some other ceramic and cordierite versions, but they are able to reach higher temperatures. 

These kinds of baking stones also don’t break very easily, meaning that they will give you more value for money in the long run because you won’t have to replace them as often. Unfortunately they do need to be maintained more often and will need to be seasoned on occasion to make sure that they don’t rust. 


The size of baking stone that you need will largely depend on what exactly you are aiming to use it for. They can come in a bunch of different sizes and shapes so it’s important that you think about the size of your oven before you buy one. You can find baking stones in rectangular shapes, round shapes and square shapes.

If you’re planning on using the stone for pizza as well as bread then you will want to get a round stone. If you’re going to be using your baking stone for other dishes such as cookies, then you may wish to think about other kinds of shapes. Usually rectangular baking stones will give you a bigger surface area, and they are better used for things such as breads or other baked goods with a square shape construction. 

Heat Distribution

Not all trays are designed to make your bread distribute heat in an even way. This means that sometimes your dough is going to bake at a faster rate than it should. This can sometimes mean that the bread is soggy in certain areas and it doesn’t taste as nice. 

As a result, it’s important to make sure that you choose an option that is known for having good heat distribution. This will mean that your bread is consistently delicious throughout. You can check online reviews for this component as they will give you an indication about whether the product provides you with good heat distribution.


Accessories are not a vital component when using a baking tray but they can certainly come in handy! There are some options that come with extra things such as cutters or peelers which can make your baking all the more easier.

Peelers for example can help you to lift the bread out of the oven more easily when the stone is still hot, making it an important safety feature. It’s even possible to use peelers to cut dough.

Moisture Absorption

The problem with normal baking trays is that you can end up getting wet bread. The reason for this is that the moisture will stay in the dough when you are baking.

When you get a baking stone you shouldn’t have to worry about this, because they will instead absorb the moisture to make sure you don’t get soggy bread. You will instead get yummy pastries without the horrible dampness! 


You can choose in between a glazed or an unglazed baking stone. Usually baking stones that are made out of more natural materials such as ceramic and stone are unglazed because they will naturally absorb moisture. 

Some baking stones are glazed however, meaning that there are really small fissures or cracks that can help the moisture to get in. It ultimately comes down to personal preference. Glazed materials are usually a little bit easier to clean and for this reason among others they tend to cost more money to buy.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I clean my baking stone?

Cleaning a baking stone isn’t difficult. All you need to do is start off by scraping off any leftover food that may be stuck to the baking stone.

When you are cleaning the baking stone, it is important that you do not use soap in order to clean it. Instead, you should use a clean sponge and some hot water to gently scrub it. You don’t need to do this very often. There’s no need to be concerned about the oils that are collected from the food as these help to make the surface nonstick.

It is very important that when you are cleaning the baking stone that you don’t soak it in water. You will also need to make sure that it dies completely before you try to store it again. Eventually your stone will begin to lose some of its color after general wear and tear, but you shouldn’t be concerned about this. 

What is the best way to bake bread with a baking stone?

To begin with, make sure that your oven is preheated to 375 degrees. If you are going to use the baking stone to cook other items then you may need to change the temperature, but for bread you are going to need to cook for a longer duration of time at a lower heat. 

You will ten need to give your baking stone some time to heat up. Around 30 minutes should usually be a sufficient amount of time to let it get warm.

Using a pizza peel, put your load of bread onto the baking stone that you’ve already heated. This means that you are less likely to burn yourself, but you still need to proceed with caution. From here, you will need to mist the bread a little bit with water as this will allow steaming to occur. This also helps to soften the crust of the bread.

Cook the bread for around 30 to 40 minutes. You should try to test the load of bread by giving it a couple of taps, and if it sounds hollow when you tap it then you know that the bread is done.

Can you use baking stones in the microwave?

It is certainly not recommended to put baking stones in the microwave, unless you are feeling particularly experimental or are trying to create a TV prank show.

You may end up damaging the baking stone, which isn’t a particularly good idea after you’ve just spent money on it.

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