Cool Whips are an excellent substitute for traditional whipped cream and do the same job as any other topping cream in the store. The only difference between Cool Whip and traditional whipping cream is that Cool Whips are usually sold frozen and need to be thawed first before use.
However, wrong defrosting of Cool Whips can spoil the product and, as a result, can also ruin your desserts. Not only would learning how to quickly thaw Cool Whip help you save time, but it will also stop the dairy product from spoiling.
In today’s article, we will be sowing with you four simple steps on how to thaw cool Whip quickly. So let’s get started!
- First of All, What Is a Cool Whip?
- What Is the Content of Cool Whip?
- How Long Does Cool Whip Last?
- Can You Refreeze Cool Whip?
- How to Use Cool Whip?
- 4 Simple Steps on How to Thaw Cool Whip Quickly
- What Happens If You Thaw Cool Whip the Wrong way?
- FAQs on How to Thaw Cool Whip Quickly
- Conclusion on How to Thaw Cool Whip Quickly
People often store cool Whip in the freezer until they are set to use it. If you keep cool Whip in your freezer, the best way to melt it is by planning ahead. If you put the Cool Whip in the fridge for four to five hours or even overnight, it will be ready for use, and it will maintain its flavor, consistency, and texture.
However, if you are in a haste and you need to thaw the Cool Whip fast, you can use a few methods to do this. You should always be cautious and pay close attention when applying these methods. Any of them taken for too long can ruin your cool Whip and make it useless.
First of All, What Is a Cool Whip?
If you do not know what Cool Whip is and have just purchased a tub because the recipe asks for it, you may wonder what is so different about it.
Cool Whip was invented in 1966 and can be described as stabilized whipped cream. The name of the American brand that manufactures this whipped cream topping is Cool Whip.
As the prevalence of this product spreads, some people have begun to use this product’s name to mean a type of whipped cream. It is also called imitation whipped cream.
Cool Whip is a real time saver as manually whipping cream takes a lot of time and energy.
If you consider it, isn’t it ideal to have a cream that comes already whipped? Open the container, take a spoonful, and top your desserts with a rich and light whipped cream. Or deep some strawberries in it for the best sweet snack.
What Is the Content of Cool Whip?
You will be astonished to learn that two of the basic ingredients in cool Whip are air and water. If you decide to go for Cool Whip instead of whipping the cream yourself, consider both the pros and the cons.
Cool Whip is simple, and you can achieve the appearance of a perfect cream pie with it. However, it contains lots of added ingredients. These include corn syrup, skimmed milk, vegetable oils, cream, and various other natural and artificial additions.
The taste of Cool Whip and that of traditional whipped cream are different. This is because the Cool Whip contains less than 2% of light cream.
That being said, if you’re not particular about the ingredients of products you consume, having a tub of Cool Whip in your fridge isn’t a bad idea.

How Long Does Cool Whip Last?
The ‘use by’ date designated on the Cool Whip’s tub refers to storing it in the freezer. Some people believe that Cool Whip should be kept in the fridge to keep it fluffy and soft. But as it is sold frosted, it should be stored frosted.
Also, the shelf life of Cool Whip put in the fridge is a lot shorter. It will last about 7 to 14 days in the fridge. When kept in the freezer, it will be good for up to 4 months, even if the container has been opened.
Can You Refreeze Cool Whip?
When Cool Whip first appeared in the United States market, it spread easily across the US. The puzzle of it being distributed all across the country with no concerns was that it could be frozen, thawed, and refrozen without the quality suffering.
Luckily, nothing has changed. You can always refreeze Cool Whip. If you hope to refreeze Cool Whip after using it, it is important to choose an adequate thawing method.
In this case, defrosting frozen Cool Whip in the fridge is the best method.
If you do a poor job at thawing your Cool Whip and end up with a flat and non-fluffy whip, refreezing won’t help the circumstance. The Whip will be melted even when you defrost it again.
This is why it’s necessary to thaw imitation whipped cream accurately, so you don’t ruin it’s charming and fluffy texture.
How to Use Cool Whip?
Cool Whip is usually frozen when you buy it. If you want to use it, you have to let it thaw first. Once defrosted, your cool Whip is creamy and ready. And yet, it holds its tops and doesn’t lose shape or melt further.
Cool Whip is used to top cakes, pies, and other baked foods. It can also make simple no-bake desserts with the aid of a few ingredients, such as fruits and crackers.

4 Simple Steps on How to Thaw Cool Whip Quickly
There are four methods you can thaw frozen Cool Whip. You can thaw it in the refrigerator, at room temperature, in the microwave, or put it in cold water.
Choose a way that works for you based on how much time you have and the quantity you will use.
Method 1: Thaw Cool Whip in the Refrigerator
This is the best and method on how to thaw Cool Whip. But this method works only if you have enough time or know beforehand that you will need your cool Whip thawed.
Transfer the plate of Cool Whip from the freezer into the refrigerator.
Let it melt in the fridge for 4 to 5 hours or leave it overnight.
Use as much as required and put the rest of the Whip back into the freezer.
Method 2: How to Thaw Cool Whip Quickly on Counter Top
You need to be cautious if you choose this means to thaw your cool Whip. The challenge is that cool Whip is made from skimmed milk and cream, and both ingredients will spoil fast if they sit out in temperatures higher than 40 degrees for too long.
The longest amount of time you should let cool Whip (or any dairy products) stay out at room temperature is 2 hours. If your room is hotter than 90 degrees, you have to only let it sit out for an hour. Usually, people thaw their cool Whip on the kitchen counter and find that the texture or consistency is no longer the same. So you need to keep a close watch on the Cool Whip if you pick this method.
Method 3: How to Thaw Cool Whip Quickly with a Microwave
This method can defrost Cool Whip if you are in haste, but again, you need to pay close attention. Put your microwave in the defrost setting, then place the cool Whip in the microwave without the cover for 30 seconds. Bring it out, stir it, and put it back in the microwave for another 30 seconds. Keep going until it is defrosted. This method will take around two and a half and three minutes.
The issue is that you will lose some of the consistency by using this method. In fact, if you don’t get it out and stir it gently every 30 seconds, the whole container of Cool Whip can transform into a yellow mess of syrupy liquid, and that’s the end. You won’t be able to use it.
Another thing to keep in mind is that you cannot refreeze the cool Whip once you have applied this method. Whatever texture you have at the end is what it will be even if you refreeze. If you thaw it in the microwave for too long and end up with a mess of yellow syrup, the freezer will only give back a yellow, frozen block of syrup.
Method 4: How to Thaw Cool Whip Quickly in Cold Water
This is seemingly the best method to thaw cool Whip if you do not have time to wait for it to defrost in the fridge. You can take an average-sized bowl large enough to hold the tub of Cool Whip and pour cold water in it. Place the whole cool whip container in the water inside the container and let it float for about 30 to 40 minutes. The Cool Whip will be ready for use after this time.
Some people prefer to use lukewarm water for this method, though it is risky. You are safe to stick with cold water to make sure that the dairy products are not heated too quickly.
What Happens If You Thaw Cool Whip the Wrong way?
There are multiple answers to this question. If you leave cool Whip staying out for too long, it will spoil. It is made from dairy products that can go bad in just a little over two hours at room temperature.
Additionally, thawing cool Whip at room temperature can liquefy it. If you beat the cool Whip too harshly, it can also lose fluffiness and volume. If you are mixing the cool Whip in between thawing, make sure that you are mild so that you don’t change its texture or consistency.
If you are not careful, you can spoil cool Whip in the microwave, and once this occurs, it can’t be redeemed. If you apply the microwave method, adhere to the steps above, but this should only be done where there is no time.
The best way to thaw your cool Whip and preserve the fluffiness and volume is by placing it in the fridge for four or five hours.
FAQs on How to Thaw Cool Whip Quickly
How Long Does It Take to u003cstrongu003eThaw Cool Whipu003c/strongu003e?
Thaw it for about 3 1/2 hours for the 4-ounce tub, at least six hours for the 8- and 12-ounce tub, and seven hours or overnight for the 16-ounce container. u003cstrongu003eThawing Cool Whip in the microwaveu003c/strongu003e is not ideal, except you have no choice.
Can You Microwave Cool Whip Container?
Unless the container is specified microwave safe, take the time to put the Whip on a plate. “Cool Whip,” margarine tubs, cottage cheese containers, and most plastic storage containers are not heat resistant. Chemicals from the plastic may assimilate into the food during heating.
Does Cool Whip Melt At Room Temperature?
Just a little portion of melted gelatin and your u003cstrongu003ewhipped creamu003c/strongu003e will remain in the fridge for up to 3 days, and it won’t melt at room temperature!
Can You Freeze u003cstrongu003eWhipping Creamu003c/strongu003e Before It Is Whipped?
Just like milk, heavy cream can be frosted for 1 to 2 months. If you plan to u003cstrongu003ewhip your creamu003c/strongu003e, it is best to do so before freezing. Whip your heavy cream to a soft texture, lump the mixture onto parchment paper-lined sheet trays, then freeze until it is firm and transfer to zip-top bags until ready to use.
Can You Eat Cool Whip Frozen?
u003cstrongu003eFrozen Cool Whipu003c/strongu003e tastes like a slightly sweetened ice cream on its own. Still, it really stands out when you dollop it atop hot chocolate — the chilled dollops are a nice change from the standard marshmallow topper.
How Do You Make Cool Whip?
To prepare the Cool Whip, just add the heavy u003cstrongu003ewhipping creamu003c/strongu003e to a container and then use an electric mixer to whip it up until it starts to thicken. Once it becomes fluffy and produces soft peaks, you add a bit of sugar and vanilla and stir a bit more. It’s done and ready to enjoy once it is well mixed and forming stiff peaks.
Does Cool Whip Need To Be Frozen?
Cool Whip is sold frosted and must be defrosted in the refrigerator before being used. It has a more extended shelf life than cream while frozen.
How Do You Fix Runny Whipped Frosting?
To fix runny u003cstrongu003ewhipped creamu003c/strongu003e, try whisking it again with a half teaspoon of cream of tartar or cooled unflavored gelatin to stabilize the weak topping, especially in hot weather.
Conclusion on How to Thaw Cool Whip Quickly
The methods described in today’s article (except for the first one) should only be applied if you have no time left.
Regardless of how quickly these steps will thaw your Cool Whip, you need to apply patience when carrying out these techniques to ensure that you achieve the perfect end result.
We hope you found these methods on how to quickly thaw Cool Whip helpful.